Inclusive Design for Learning is a practice that supports optimising unique human differences and creating the conditions for a diverse yet cohesive global learning community of lifelong learners. Our group has chosen our learning design to be for ELL students or English Language Learners grades 10-12 with a focus on self-paced study. Recently over the years, self-paced instruction has become more popular as education shifts from the traditional models of classroom learning to the Internet.
The main advantages of self paced learning include:
– It is suitable for individuals with different learning styles as some people learn fast, while others take their time to learn. Self-paced learning makes it possible for learners to adapt to their own different learning styles.
-It reduces pressure and foster more quality work. With self-paced learning there are no pressure to complete the assignments and learn at the same speed as others. Learners can review materials on their own based on their understanding. -Setting your own schedule
-It enables learners to create their own schedules. It is especially helpful for learners that have less motivation to attend a live class. Even if there is a deadline to complete a course, for example, they can choose how they would like to execute it.
-It is a way of practicing self-discipline. When learners plan and create their learning schedule, they are learning self-discipline. They can pick the time where they can focus best and when they have fewer interruptions from other distractions outside of school and hence, learn to be responsible for their own learning.
In a journal, The experiences, challenges, and acceptance of e-learning as a tool for teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic among university medical staff, researchers conducted an experiment to see staff’s perceptions on e-learning. It was concluded that the majority of participants strongly agreed with the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and acceptance of e-learning (Zalat et. al, 2021). But on the other hand, the highest challenge for accepting e-learning were insufficient/ unstable internet connectivity, inadequate computer labs, lack of computers/ laptops, and technical problems. They also concluded that e-learning was underutilized in the past, especially in developing countries. However, the current crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic enforced the entire world to rely on it for education (Zalat et. al, 2021). According to my own experience, I was in an era where I having a hard time going to classes regularly which I find that a lot of adolescents also do. Therefore, self-paced learning especially for English Language Learners would be extremely beneficial for them to navigate their learning based on their level of understanding and how fast they learn. It is also a considerate learning design for learners with difficulty of learning or learners who may have any form of challenges or learning disability.
Zalat MM, Hamed MS, Bolbol SA (2021) The experiences, challenges, and acceptance of e-learning as a tool for teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic among university medical staff. PLOS ONE 16(3): e0248758. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248758. The experiences, challenges, and acceptance of e-learning as a tool for teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic among university medical staff
Hi Pim. Thank you for sharing your ideas on self-paced learning. It would be helpful if you could elaborate more on how it relates to the Inclusive Design for Learning. I can see that you provided some in-text references, which is excellent! However, the content from these sources should be paraphrased or put in “…” and specific pages/paragraphs added to the citation. Direct copy-paste violates academic integrity.
Hi Pim, thank you for sharing your ideas on this week’s content! I liked the way that you phrased the optimizing unique human differences. I find online learning to be a positive experience in my own education experience and particularly appreciate that it is self-paced. The self-paced aspect also incorporates flexibility and adaptability to learning, which is a good resource to have in terms of schooling. I liked that you related this content to covid-19 because that is so relevant to these topics and feels like it caused a shift in perspective of how education is pursued.